Monday, June 12, 2023

What We Share - Cybersmart Facilitation

As a BT, I have the opportunity to observe a lesson on cyber safety and responsible online behaviour once a week.  This week I observed a lesson led by Matt Goodwin, which focused on the topic of public versus private information.  Here is a link to my Cybersmart page that is facilitated by Matt.

LI : To know the difference between public and private information on the internet.

The lesson began with a thought-provoking video that underscored the potential consequences of sharing personal information online. This captured my students' attention and set the stage for the lesson.

  • Matt facilitated a whole-class discussion on the concept of a digital footprint, encouraging students to share their thoughts and insights. This discussion deepened their understanding of the long-lasting impact of online actions, something we also discussed in the previous lesson.
  • Students were provided with a template to categorise personal information as either public or private. Matt guided them through the process, ensuring they understood the significance of each category.
  • Matt provided individual support to students during the activity, encouraging critical thinking and assisting them in making informed decisions about the classification of personal information. This personalised approach fostered a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Students were prompted to reflect on their own online presence and evaluate the need for privacy.  Throughout the lesson, Matt emphasised the need to think before sharing information online and stressed the personal responsibility each student holds in maintaining their cyber safety.

Some key takeaways from this observation include:

  • The significance of engaging students through multimedia resources to create meaningful connections.
  • The power of whole-class discussions in fostering a deeper understanding of digital footprints and their implications.
  • The effectiveness of providing students with a structured template to categorise information.
  • The value of individual support and guidance to encourage critical thinking and responsible decision-making.
  • The need for students to reflect on their own online presence and consider the impact of their actions.
Here is a link to the template the students were working on.
Ngā mihi Matt for your time and facilitation.

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