Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Sunflower Artwork : Chalk, Crayon and Dye

At our weekly staff meetings, our principal, Richard, has been leading engaging art sessions.  Drawing inspiration from Vincent van Gogh's iconic paintings and captivating images, we delved into the world of sunflowers, where we learned to create artworks using crayons, chalk, and dye.  Richard modelled how we might introduce this lesson to our own students.

To start, Richard displayed various sunflower paintings and images to immerse us in the intricacies of these flowers. We also incorporated reading tasks linked to Vincent van Gogh (VVG) to deepen our understanding of his artistic style and vision.  

To deepen our students' connection with sunflowers, Richard suggested buying fake sunflowers from a local shop, and allowing the kids to closely examine them. This hands-on experience would give them a chance to appreciate the delicate petals, explore the seeds, and even discover links between sunflowers and things like the oil they produce.

For the art process, Richard advised starting with sketching using coloured chalk, focusing on capturing the essence rather than intricate details. The kids could then use RETSOL crayons to colour in the leaves and stem with solid blocks of colour, experimenting with complementary colours for the background. Adding dye would create stunning black lines as the chalk absorbed the colour.

Ngā mihi Richard for our art lessons this term.

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