Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Magic of Sgraffito

In our weekly staff meetings, our principal has been treating us to art sessions. One of the techniques we have learned most recently is called sgraffito. Sgraffito is an art technique that involves scratching the top layer of a material to reveal a contrasting layer beneath. It's a simple yet captivating way to create unique designs and textures in artwork. Sgraffito has been used in various art forms for centuries.

During our art sessions, we had the opportunity to try our hand at some sgraffito. We first used retsol crayons to block in any mix of colors we'd like onto a piece of paper. Richard mixed acrylic paint, Indian ink, and a little dishwashing liquid to create a thick and gooey paint. We painted this mixture over our crayon and left it to dry until the next staff meeting. The next session, we began scratching the top layer to reveal the hidden colors below. It was a fun and interactive process that allowed us to experience the task before we set it to our students.

Since sgraffito involves sharp tools, safety is a priority. We discussed the importance of handling the tools responsibly and taking necessary precautions to avoid accidents or injuries. When layering colors, it is useful to remember that the top color should be darker than the base. This contrast adds depth and makes the scratched designs pop, creating a visually striking composition.

Sgraffito provided us with a hands-on and enjoyable experience during our staff meeting. Ngā mihi, Richard.

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