Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Manaiakalani Cluster TOD

The Manaiakalani Cluster Teacher Only Day last week, was a valuable opportunity for teachers and support staff in the Manaiakalani cluster to delve into cluster and school achievement data. Throughout the day, we explored research, shared effective practices, and discovered innovative ways to empower our learners through different 'create' tasks.

Investigating Cluster and School Achievement Data:

  • One of the highlights of the day was the research reflection session, where we dived deep into our cluster and school achievement data.
  • We analysed the EdPotential data, and discussed as schools what the variations in students' writing, maths and reading gains were.

Quality Learning Circles:

  • Another engaging session was the Quality Learning Circles, where we met in groups of 6-8 people and shared effective practices that aligned with the new literacy and communication curriculum progress steps.
  • We explored inference resources, discussed strategies to enhance understanding, and collaborated on developing creative approaches to meet our learners' needs.

Harnessing Creativity through Manaiakalani Create/Hanga:

  • The session on creativity and its role in empowering learning very engaging.
  • We learned about the power of creating and how it engages students in reading to learn and learning to read. 

Exploring the Potential of AI: An exciting part of the day was exploring the potential of AI in reading.

  • I chose to attend the 'Create with AI' workshop that showcased AI tools and techniques we can use to foster creativity, such as : 
    • stable animation
    • text-to-animation
    • AI applications like Stability.ai and Steve AI.
Additionally, we discussed the ethical considerations of AI and the importance of being mindful of age restrictions and using technology responsibly.

Note: This post is a summary of my personal highlights and does not encompass the entirety of the Teacher Only Day.

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Teacher Only Day - Create Workshop

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