Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Teacher Inquiry - RPI Strategies

My teacher inquiry question for this year is : 

Will implementing the RPI strategies have an impact

on reading comprehension? 

This year I am a part of the Manaiakalani Reading Practice Intensive.  It made sense to me for my teacher inquiry question to relate to what I learn and take away from this course.  

When I began planning for my teacher inquiry question, I was first prompted to reflect on the my class' strengths and gaps according to their Term 1 test results and compare it to my own strengths as a teacher.  This was useful to consider which areas I may need to develop and strengthen in my teaching practice.  I chose reading as my area to focus on as it is a cluster and school wide focus to accelerate reading especially.  Here is a link to the document with my reflections that led to the selection of my teacher inquiry question.

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