Tuesday, May 30, 2023

24 Hour Digital Footprint - Cybersmart Facilitation

During this week's Cybersmart session, I observed Mr Matt Goodwin teach a lesson about understanding the concept of a "digital footprint." The learning intention for the lesson was to help tamariki (students) comprehend the significance of their online presence.

The lesson began with watching a video, followed by a class discussion on the idea of a digital footprint. Matt drew upon everyday analogies, such as footprints in the sand or walking through mud and then entering a house, to help the akonga connect to this idea that their online actions have an impact. He also connected the concept to sponsorships and advertisements that people want to see, emphasising the importance of promoting ourselves in a positive way when we blog or share our work.  I found that the analogies especially engaged the boys in this group.

Matt made effective use of getting students to "45" their screens between giving instructions and modelling.  I realised I tend to forget to model things like making a copy of a document or "45ing" my screen because I assume the students will do so without being told to, so that is something I will be keeping in mind going forward.

The tamariki were instructed to open their browsing history from the past 24 hours using the shortcut Ctrl + H.  This allowed them to reflect on what their online activities revealed about them. They were provided with a template to make a copy of, they then began the task of putting icons to represent the different websites they had been on in the last 24 hours.

I feel that this lesson invited my akonga to become active participants in their online lives. It also highlighted the significance of understanding and managing our digital footprints. By incorporating relatable analogies, encouraging self-reflection, and promoting positive online presence, Matt reminded the tamariki of the tools they can use to navigate the digital world responsibly. This lesson will become one I can refer back to when talking about cyber safety to the children.

Here are some links to students' blog posts after the session :

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