Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Teaching for PB4L

As educators, creating a positive learning environment is crucial. At Panmure Bridge, we are a PB4L school.  This means we teach for positive behaviour for learning.  Teaching for positive behaviour lays the foundation for an empowering classroom where students thrive academically and emotionally. As a beginning teacher, I recognise that I have much room to grow in terms of intentional and deliberate acts of teaching that reflect this.

  • Setting clear expectations for behaviour and reinforcing positive actions is crucial. Recognising students' efforts and celebrating their achievements helps foster a positive and encouraging atmosphere.
  • Being a role model for students and encouraging self-reflection supports their personal development.
  • Integrating social-emotional learning and restorative practices equips students with valuable life skills.
  • Open communication with students and parents builds a strong partnership. Collaborating with all groups involved can enhance the sense of unity and shared responsibility.
One aspect of PB4L I will need to explicitly work on is providing feedback and fair consequences for problem behaviour.  Understanding the different response strategies will be especially important : prompting, redirecting, reteaching, conversing with students and providing choice.

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