Monday, August 21, 2023

Te Marama by Kelly Joseph - RPI Create

Today we imagined we were book illustrators using the poem "Te Marama" by Kelly Joseph. We compared our illustrated poem with the published version.  One of the differences between my poem and the published one is I have used much less colour. Another difference is the published version uses illustration to fill the space.  On the other hand, some similarities with my poem are the readability of the font.  I made use of an AI content generator Dorothy introduced us to which is to generate the image of the moon sitting on the ocean.

The parts I like more about the published version is that it uses more illustration to fill the space, which would probably appeal more to students than a minimalistic version such as the one I have created.  Below are some of the other versions my cohort created.  The images are linked to their professional blogs. Ngā mihi Mrs Lagitupu and Mr Hughes for your work. 

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