Sunday, November 5, 2023

EOY Teacher Inquiry

Now that the summative assessments for the year are approaching completion, I am able to use my results and data to answer my Inquiry Question : Has implementing the RPI strategies had an impact on reading comprehension?

Yes, implementing the RPI strategies has had an impact on my students' reading comprehension results.  In the slides below, you will find my target students' data from both Timepoint 1 (Term 1) and Timepoint 2 (Term 4).  It also includes what I did, why I did it, what I think worked well vs didn't, as well as my own analysis of the data.  

My data shows that 14% of the students in my target group maintained the same PROBE reading age, while 86% of students improved their reading age  between Timepoint 1 & Timepoint 2.  Unfortunately, 43% of students shifted backwards in stanine levels between the Term 1 & Term 4 PAT tests.  15% of students maintained the same stanine level.  43% moved forward in their stanine level.  While 33% of students maintained the same score, 67% of the students in my target group improved their Peters Spelling scores.  7/8 of my target students record a higher self efficacy in reading now then they did in Timepoint 1. 

A personal highlight of mine is that 7 out of my 8 target students now have a reading age that is at or above their actual age.  Going forward, I am thinking about what I can do to raise or at least maintain my students' PAT Stanine level from Timepoint 1 to Timepoint 2.

Teacher Only Day - Create Workshop

I recently had the opportunity to run a workshop during our Tamaki Cluster - Manaiakalani Teacher-Only Day.  I chose to show how I've us...