Monday, September 11, 2023

Teacher Inquiry - Create Tasks Implemented in Reading

Session 8 of the Manaiakalani Reading Programme Intensive (RPI) focused on different types and kinds of opportunities for students to create.  Our homework was to incorporate a type of create task into our reading programme.  Below I have linked (with permission) some of my student's completed create tasks as well as what the teacher / student instructions were for each task.

Text : Changing Matter on Epic.

Here are the instructions students received at the end of the response to text slides

  • CREATE: Create a DLO that shows and explains “Changing Matter”.  Use any information you think is important from the text to guide you.  Your DLO can be an animation, slideshow, or poster.

Kato chose to create an animation of an ice cube melting then evaporating.  Click here to read his blog post.  (Shared with permission.)

Text : Aztec Attack.

Here are the instructions students received at the end of the response to text slides

  • CREATE: Choose a specific scene from the story "Aztec Attack!" that you want to recreate in Google Drawings. This could be the moment when Izquixochitl first spots the approaching men or the village's preparations for battle.

Loa chose to recreate the scene in the story where two parties are at war.  Click here to read his blog post.  (Shared with permission.)

Text : Bright Family on Epic.

Here are the instructions students received at the end of the response to text slides :

  • CREATE: Create your own backdrop of a universe you think they may come across in the next part of the story.  Use the background remover app to insert yourself into that universe.  Use a speech bubble to show what you would be saying in that situation! 

This is an example of a "short" create task that could and was asked to be completed within the 1 hour block.  Click here to read Dito's blog post.  (Shared with permission.)

What went well : 
  • Students enjoyed seeing themselves in their Create tasks.
  • Students appreciated the choice of medium, and were more engaged when they got to choose the format.
What didn't work so well : 
  • Some students work better with more guidance (where they have to decide less) but some maybe needed less guidance in order to feel and be more creative.
  • Some students went on a tangent to the point the task was no longer connected to the task.
What I will change for next time : 
  • For my more advanced groups, I found that I've often left more decisions for the students to make compared to my lower groups where I would scaffold them a bit more.  
  • I will change my Create tasks so each student gets a sufficient range of tighter tasks that they can start and finish in a block, as well as looser tasks they are given a week to finish on their own.  That way the students can achieve completion more often.

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