Monday, March 13, 2023

BT Talanoa - PROBE

As a BT, it is very important to me that I learn effective techniques for assessing student learning. During my Week 6 PRT release I had the opportunity to observe two different teachers carry out two different types of reading assessments - a PROBE test, and a running record.

PROBE stands for : Pre-Reading Observation Behaviour and Evaluation.

Here are my key takeaways from my observation of a teacher carrying out a PROBE assessment :

(T = Teacher, S = Student)

1. Start with a summary :

  • T began by asking S to tell T what the story was about in T's own words.
  • This helped T to get a rough idea of his comprehension level before diving into the actual detailed questions from the PROBE book.
2. Questions in a PROBE test can be interpreted as open-ended.
  • The set questions required S to provide a detailed response using evidence from the text.
  • T writes down word for word what student says.
3. Verify vocabulary.
For the vocabulary question, T pointed to where it was underlined in the story and asked them to explain it.  This helped T to verify that he was comprehending the text accurately.
4. Correct misunderstanding.
  • When S made a mistake, T corrected him by referencing the text and pointing out where he had misunderstood.
  • T made a note of the mistake at the bottom of the assessment sheet as a reminder to herself to give that topic to the S as a goal to work on in the future.
5. Co-construct goals : 
  • T co-constructed a goal for reading with S, and explained the immediate next steps to S.
  • T also made sure S was aware of his learning goals.
6. Use the assessment results.
  • T used the one mistake the S had made to let him know what he was currently working on and what he would be doing in class in the future.
  • T also made sure to give S access to his PAT results and explained what he needed to work on.
Overall, I found the PROBE assessment to be an effective tool for assessing student learning.  I learned a lot from observing two different teacher's approaches and will definitely incorporate these techniques into my own teaching practice.  I have learnt that by using the different techniques I observed, teachers can create a more effective and personalised learning experience for their students.

1 comment:

  1. Malo le faasoa Toreka. E taua lava mea ua tusia nei. The area of sharing student data openly AND regularly with individual students for reflection and goal settings is such a powerful practice. This was my inquiry a few years back ;) if you were interested to read some of my blog posts about this. I focused on a small group in maths. Congratulations on reaching the end of your RPI course. What a gift to have as part of platform to teach from. Malo lava le taumafai, malo le tauivi. Alofa tele atu Miss Tele'a.


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