Sunday, July 23, 2023

Swimming - Safety and Responsibility

As a beginning teacher, the prospect of taking my students to the swimming pools for PE filled me with a mix of excitement and nerves. Here are some key insights I gained :

Setting Clear Expectations :  It is important to give clear rules and guidelines to the students as they set the tone for the trip.  We decided to make a lesson out of it the day prior to make sure our students were well aware of their expectations so they could be ready to manage themselves.  Students made a DLO of the expectations, as well as a reminder card with the times they needed to be ready.  This promoted managing self and taking responsibility.  

Organisational Skills: The importance of being well-organised well in advance of the trip cannot be understated. Creating checklists and communicating with parents early on ensured a smooth and stress-free morning, setting the tone for the rest of the day.

Taking Responsibility: As one of the teachers in charge, I learnt the great deal of responsibility teachers have for their students' safety. Constantly supervising and actively reminding students of the expectations ensured efficiency.  Procedures like head counts and marking rolls were important and helped staff and students alike feel well taken care of.

Sticking to the Schedule: Proper time management was vital for a successful outing. Sticking to the planned timings allowed us to make the most of our pool time without feeling rushed.  This is something I may need to go over again with my students.

Clear and Explicit Instruction: Providing clear instructions about changing times and other activities kept everyone on track. It reduced confusion and contributed to a well-structured day.

Importance of Punctuality: Emphasising the significance of being in the right place at the right time fostered a sense of teamwork and contributed to the overall success of the trip.

Overall, my priority as a teacher on this swimming trip was the health and safety of my students.  This first swimming trip taught me valuable lessons about effective planning, clear communication, and the responsibility that comes with being a teacher. It also reinforced the importance of safety and the joy of creating experiences with my students. As a beginning teacher, I am grateful for this experience and look forward to applying these insights to the rest of my educational career.

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